Monday, August 18, 2008

trust your swing

Starting a new project- be it for a client or your own craft urges can almost be too much if you don't have "rails". Take this swatch book for instance, where do you start choosing a color? Most people think creatives do better when you let them have free reign- well maybe some do, but I like to have some sort of parameter, that way my thoughts can go flipping nuts inside a set of cans and cant's- and I end up with something my client can understand and use appropriately. This is one of the reasons I love re-design and re-purposing,
you can see where something has been.

I'm not a golfer, but have this "swing" sign in my office- usually your instincts are right on- don't over think, trust your swing!

Here's a fun website that will give you a spark when starting a new project...
visit color blender

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