Thursday, September 25, 2008

random Italian thoughts...

 My friends are having an Italian dinner party (sob, sob- wish I could go), my sister owns an Italian restaurant currently undergoing a menu redesign (courtesy of bleu dahlia creative), which randomly leads to Dale Chihuly...why you might ask?

Because in 1968, Chihuly was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to work at the Venini factory in Venice, Italy. While in Venice, Chihuly observed the team approach to blowing glass, which is critical to the way he works today. In 1971, Chihuly cofounded Pilchuck Glass School in Washington. With this international glass center, Chihuly has led the avant-garde in the development of glass as a fine art.

If you haven't seen a Chihuly exhibit, get your calendar out now and do some planning. It can be found in a plethora of places, lots of them open public spaces, such as the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas, Bellagio in Vegas,Union Station in Tacoma, and the not to be missed 500 foot span of brilliance, The Chihuly Bridge of Glass. The lucky residents of the Puget Sound area have more than 20 public spaces to appreciate the breadth and scope of the artist’s creative vision. On with my random fall day...

1 comment:

Lushpad said...

I love Chihuly! The Glass Museum in Tacoma should not be missed! It's got an amazing glass bridge filled with Chihuly pieces - it feels like your walking under the sea.

The museum was built by Canadian Architect Arthur Erickson. It's a really beautiful space.